Friday, April 23, 2010

Focused Free Writing: Future of Media

Today in the video that we watched there was a lot of things going on and it was sort of hard to digest what was happening. It seems like the begining things about copyright and newspapers going away was true. I know several papers in the US have been shut down because they can't compete with the web. With the copyright and illegal music downloads, i know in london and other countries they are punishing people very severely when they get caught downloading illegaly. I don't think TV will be replaced, at least not in the near future. There have been so many advances in it, and there are still more to be had like 3D broadcasts and such. The avatar's seemed pretty farfetched. While i can see social networking continuing to grow i don't think it will get that far. People won't stop living their real lives to be in a virtual one.

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